My name is Tracy Vann, and I first dipped my toes into the spirit world when I was just a preteen. I spent my preteen and teenage years visiting historical locations as I once considered myself a history nerd. I initially thought that my fascination with history was simply because it piqued my interests, however, I soon realized that it was because I could “see” the history that once took place. I was able to see reenactments and people dressed in certain time periods that no one else was able to see. At this early age I was not aware that I was opening up my abilities of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance. This led me into paranormal investigations and research of the occult arts. It was at the age of fourteen when I discovered my favorite form of divination was the tarot because it came so naturally to me.
After graduating high school, I went on to trade school to become a Medical Assistant while raising two daughters. Life happened which caused spirit and paranormal hobbies to be put on the back burner. Once my daughters were grown, spirit was prompting me to get back into working with my abilities and interests.
A reading from me will combine my psychic, mediumship, and tarot to connect and offer guidance on family, relationships, money, career paths, spirituality, energy, healing, and to connect with loved ones who have passed on. I am always straightforward and to the point, you will hear what you need to hear from me. I am here to provide you peace of mind, guidance, healing, and caring.